LINE::Bot::API - SDK of the LINE Messaging API for Perl


        # in the synopsis.psgi
        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use LINE::Bot::API;
        use LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage;
        use Plack::Request;
        my $bot = LINE::Bot::API->new(
            channel_secret       => $channel_secret,
            channel_access_token => $channel_access_token,
        sub {
            my $req = Plack::Request->new(shift);
            unless ($req->method eq 'POST' && $req->path eq '/callback') {
                return [200, [], ['Not Found']];
            unless ($bot->validate_signature($req->content, $req->header('X-Line-Signature'))) {
                return [200, [], ['failed to validate signature']];
            my $events = $bot->parse_events_from_json($req->content);
            for my $event (@{ $events }) {
                next unless $event->is_message_event && $event->is_text_message;
                my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new;
                $messages->add_text( text => $event->text );
                $bot->reply_message($event->reply_token, $messages->build);
            return [200, [], ["OK"]];


    LINE::Bot::API is a client library to easily use the LINE Messaging
    API. You can create a bot which will run on the LINE App by registering
    your bot account. Your Messaging API account can be created from LINE

    You can find the Channel Secret and Channel Access Token on the Basic
    information page at LINE BUSINESS CENTER <>.

    Please use this POD and LINE developers site's online documentation to
    enjoy your bot development work!



    Create a new LINE::Bot::API instance.

         my $bot = LINE::Bot::API->new(
            channel_secret       => $channel_secret,
            channel_access_token => $channel_access_token,

 reply_message($reply_token, [ $message, ... ] )

    Send a reply message to a user, room or group.

        my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new;
        $messages->add_text( text => 'Example reply text' );
        my $ret = $bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);
        unless ($ret->is_success) {
            # error
            warn $ret->message;
            for my $detail (@{ $res->details // []}) {
                warn "    detail: " . $detail->{message};

    You can get a reply_token by a Webhook Event Object
    <>. And see also
    parse_events_from_json($json) method's document.

    See also a online documentation.

 push_message($user_id|$room_id|$group_id, [ $message, ... ])

    Send a push message to a user, room or group.

        my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new;
        $messages->add_text( text => 'Example push text' );
        $bot->push_message($user_id, $messages->build);

    You can get a user_id, room_id or group_id by a Webhook Event Object
    <>. And see also
    parse_events_from_json($json) method's document.

    See also a online documentation.

 validate_signature($json, $signature)

        my $req = Plack::Request->new( ... );
        unless ($bot->validate_signature($req->content, $req->header('X-Line-Signature'))) {
            die 'failed to signature validation';


    Parse Webhook Event Objects and build LINE::Bot::API::Event instances.

        my $req = Plack::Request->new( ... );
        my $events = $bot->parse_events_from_json($req->content);
        for my $event (@{ $events }) {
            unless ($event->is_unfollow_event && $event->is_leave_event) {
                # Get a reply_token
                my $reply_token = $event->reply_token;
            if ($event->is_user_event) {
                # Get a user_id
                my $user_id = $event->user_id;
            if ($event->is_room_event) {
                # Get a room_id
                my $room_id = $event->room_id;
            if ($event->is_group_event) {
                # Get a group_id
                my $group_id = $event->group_id;
            if ($event->is_message_event) {
                # Get a message id
                my $message_id = $event->message_id;


    Bot leaves a chat room.


    You can get a room_id by a Webhook Event Object
    <>. And see also
    parse_events_from_json($json) method's document.


    Bot leaves a chat group.


    You can get a group_id by a Webhook Event Object
    <>. And see also
    parse_events_from_json($json) method's document.


    Get the original file which was sent by user.

        my $ret = $bot->get_message_content($message_id);
        if ($ret->is_success) {
            my $filename = $ret->fh->filename;
            open my $fh, '<', $file or die "$!: $file";

    You can get a message_id by a Webhook Event Object
    <>. And see also
    parse_events_from_json($json) method's document.

    See also a online document.


    You can get the user profile information.

        my $res = $bot->get_profile($user_id);
        if ($ret->is_success) {
            say $ret->display_name;
            say $ret->user_id;
            say $ret->picture_url;
            say $ret->status_message;

    See also a online document.

 How to build for Send Message Object

    When a LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage class is used, it would be
    possible to build a send message object easily. That class supports a
    fluent interface.

        my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
            text => 'Closing the distance',
            image_url   => '',
            preview_url => '',
        $bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

    See also a online documentation.

  Text type

    Build a text type object.

        my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
            text => 'Closing the distance',
        $bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

  Image type

    Build an image type object.

        my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
            image_url   => '',
            preview_url => '',
        $bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

  Video type

    Build a video type object.

        my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
            video_url   => '',
            preview_url => '',
        $bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

  Audio type

    Build an audio type object.

        my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
            audio_url => '',
            duration  => 3601_000, # msec
        $bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

  Location type

    Build a location type object.

        my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
            title     => 'LINE Corporation.',
            address   => 'Hikarie  Shibuya-ku Tokyo 151-0002',
            latitude  => 35.6591,
            longitude => 139.7040,
        $bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

  Sticker type

    Build a sticker type object.

        my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
            package_id => '1',
            sticker_id => '2',
        $bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

  Imagemap Type

    Build an imagemap type object. You can use a helper module for imagemap

        my $imagemap = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::ImagemapMessage->new(
            base_url    => '',
            alt_text    => 'this is an imagemap',
            base_width  => 1040,
            base_height => 1040,
            uri         => '',
            area_x      => 0,
            area_y      => 0,
            area_width  => 1040,
            area_height => 520,
            text        => 'message',
            area_x      => 0,
            area_y      => 520,
            area_width  => 1040,
            area_height => 520,
        my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
        $bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

  Template Type

    Build a template type object. You can use a helper module for template

   Buttons type

        my $buttons = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::TemplateMessage->new_buttons(
            alt_text  => 'this is a buttons template',
            image_url => '',
            title     => 'buttons',
            text      => 'description',
            label => 'postback',
            data  => 'postback data',
            text  => 'postback message',
            label => 'message',
            text  => 'message',
            label => 'uri',
            uri   => '',
            label => 'message2',
            text  => 'message2',
        my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
        $bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

   Confirm type

        my $confirm = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::TemplateMessage->new_confirm(
            alt_text => 'this is a confirm template',
            text     => 'confirm',
            label => 'postback',
            data  => 'postback data',
            text  => 'postback message',
            label => 'message',
            text  => 'message',
            label => 'uri',
            uri   => '',
        my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
        $bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

   Carousel type

        my $carousel = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::TemplateMessage->new_carousel(
            alt_text => 'this is a carousel template',
        for my $i (1..5) {
            my $column = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::TemplateMessage::Column->new(
                image_url => '',
                title     => "carousel $i",
                text      => "description $i",
                label => 'postback',
                data  => 'postback data',
                text  => 'postback message',
                label => 'message',
                text  => 'message',
                label => 'uri',
                uri   => '',
        my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
        $bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);


    Copyright 2016 LINE Corporation

    This Software Development Kit is licensed under The Artistic License
    2.0. You may obtain a copy of the License at

