Plack::Middleware::Debug::GitStatus - Display git status information about the directory from which you run your development server


    # Assuming your current directory is the relevant git dir:
    builder {
        enable 'Debug', panels => [ qw( Environment Response GitStatus ) ];

    # If you need to set a git dir:
    return builder {
        enable 'Debug', panels => [ qw( Environment Response ) ];
        enable 'Debug::GitStatus', git_dir => '/some/path';

    # or if you want to specify a url to gitweb/gitalist/etc:
    return builder {
        enable 'Debug', panels => [ qw( Environment Response ) ];
        enable 'Debug::GitStatus', gitweb_url => 'http://example.com/cgi-bin/gitweb?p=my_repo.git;h=%s';


This panel gives you quick access to the most relevant git information:

- the currently checked out branch
- git status information
- information about the most recent commit


There are two optional parameters you can use to configure this panel plugin:

- git\_dir

    The path to your repository in case the current dir of your application is
    outside of this.

- gitweb\_url

    If you want the panel to give you a link to your gitweb, gitolite, etc installation,
    provide the URL here. You need to provide a string that will be used as a format
    string in a call to sprintf, thus the string needs to contain a %s which will be
    supplied with the sha-1 of the most recent commit.

    Example: 'http://localhost/somegitwebtool?hash=%s'


[https://metacpan.org/pod/Plack::Middleware::GitStatus](https://metacpan.org/pod/Plack::Middleware::GitStatus) - Gives you the option to
send a HTTP request to your server that will be answered with git status information.


No bugs have been reported.

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at


Manni Heumann, `<cpan@lxxi.org>`


Copyright 2014 by Manni Heumann

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.