Mojo::ACME - Mojo-based ACME-protocol client


      use Mojolicious::Lite;
      plugin 'ACME';
      get '/' => {text => 'Hello World'};
      # then on the command line, while the app is available on port 80
      # NOTE! you should use -t when testing on following command
      # register an account key if necessary
      $ ./ acme account register
      Writing account.key
      # generate your domain cert
      $ ./ acme cert generate
      Writing myapp.key
      Writing myapp.crt
      # install your cert and restart your server per server instructions


    Let's Encrypt <> (also known as letsencrypt) is
    a service that provices free SSL certificates via an automated system.
    The service uses (and indeed defines) a protocol called ACME to
    securely communicate authentication, verification, and certificate
    issuance. If you aren't familiar with ACME or at least certificate
    issuance, you might want to see how it works
    <> first. While many clients
    already exist, web framework plugins have the unique ability to handle
    the challenge response internally and therefore make for the easiest
    possible letsencrypt (or other ACME service) experience.


    The plugin and command level apis should be fairly standardized; the
    author expects few changes to this level of the system. That said, the
    lower level modules, like Mojo::ACME are to be considered unstable and
    should not be relied upon. Use of these classes directly is highly
    discouraged for the time being.


    The system consists of three major component classes, the plugin
    Mojolicious::Plugin::ACME, the commands, and the lower level classes
    which they rely on.


    The plugin is the glue that holds the system together. It adds the acme
    command (and its subcommands) to your app's command system. It also
    establishes a route which handles the challenge request from the ACME
    service. During your certificate issuance, you must prove that you
    control the requested domain by serving specified content at a specific
    location. This route makes that possible.

    The plugin itself reads configuration out of the application's config
    method. This can be set directly in the application or loaded from a
    file via say Mojolicious::Plugin::Config in the usual way. It looks for
    a config key acme containing a hash of configuration options. Those
    options can be seen in the Mojolicious::Plugin::ACME documentation.

    The most important of these is challenge_url. In order to know how to
    respond to the challenge request, your server will make a signed HTTP
    request to your ACME client which will be listening. This url is used
    both as the listen value of the ACME client's built-in server, as well
    as the base of your server's request. It is advised that you use a url
    which isn't publically available if possible, though the requests are
    HMAC signed in any event.


    The system provides several commands, including those for creating and
    verifying an account, as well as certificate issuance (and soon,
    revoking). The commands are made available simply by using the plugin
    in your application. They are then available in the same manner as
    built-in commands

      $ ./ acme ...

    While some options are sub-command specific, all sub-commands take a
    few options. Important among those is the --ca option and more
    conveniently the --test (or -t) flag. Let's Encrypt has severe rate
    limiting for issuance of certicates on its production hosts. Using the
    test flag uses the staging server which has greatly relaxed rate
    limits, though doesn't issue signed certs or create real accounts. It
    does however use exactly the same process as the production service and
    issue valid (if not signed) certs. The author highly recommends trying
    the process on the staging server first.

 Modules (Low Level Usage)

    As mentioned before, the author hopes to stabilize the low-level
    interface to be reusable/accessible, however for the time being that is
    not so and things WILL CHANGE UNEXPECTEDLY!


      * Mojolicious -

      * Let's Encrypt -

      * ACME Protocol -

      * acme-tiny client from which I took a lot of inspiration/direction -



    Joel Berger, <>


      * Mario Domgoergen (mdom)


    Copyright (C) 2016 by Joel Berger and "CONTRIBUTORS"

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.