# Makefile for MicroSoft C version 4.0 and 5.0 for DVI driver family
# Targets:
#	all		(build dvi*.exe)
#	00arit	dvialw	dvibit	dvican	dvie72	dvieps	dvigd	dviimp
#	dvijep	dvijet	dvil3p	dvil75	dvim72	dvimac	dvimpi	dvio72
#	dvioki	dviPGM	dviprx	dvitos	keytst	lptops	texidx
#	clean		(all but .exe files)
#	clean_all	(including .exe files)
#	clean_exe
#	clean_dvi
#	clean_cer
#	clean_sym
#	clean_obj
# [15-Nov-87] -- merged separate makefiles for MicroSoft C into one, now 
#		 that MAKE has been rebuilt with MSC instead of Wizard C
#		 and is finally big enough to handle a large makefile.
# [21-Oct-87] -- added dvie72 and dvieps
# [22-Sep-87] -- added generic target dviPGM (say "make PGM=foo" to build
#		 dvifoo); add XCFLAGS to allow extra compile-time options
#		 without having to respecify the long path variables
# Targets for command-line requests...

CC = cl



# MSC Version 3.0
# MSC Version 4.0 -- add CodeView debugging option /Zi
# MSC Version 5.0 (needs spaces between options); MSC5 needed in gblprocs.h

# Loading this first will give wildcard expansion
# where the MSC library is found

# Default stack is too small--increase


# Rules...

.c.obj:;	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $*.c >$*.clg
		errshow <$*.clg >$*.cer
		del $*.clg

.map.sym:;	mapsym $*
		del $*.map

RM = del

# Source, object and executable file extensions

C = .c

O = .obj

X = .exe

DVIHEAD = dvihead.h machdefs.h typedefs.h

HFILES =        abortrun.h      actfact.h       alldone.h       bitmap.h \
		chargf.h        charpk.h        charpxl.h \
		clrbmap.h       clrrow.h        commands.h      dbgopen.h \
		dispchar.h      dumpchar.h      dvifile.h       dvihead.h \
		dviinit.h       dviterm.h       f20open.h \
		fatal.h         fillrect.h      findpost.h      fixpos.h \
		fontfile.h      fontsub.h       gblprocs.h      gblvars.h \
		gendefs.h       getbmap.h       getbytes.h      getfntdf.h \
		getpgtab.h      inch.h          initglob.h      keydef.h \
		loadchar.h      machdefs.h      main.h          movedown.h \
		moveover.h      moveto.h        nosignex.h      openfont.h \
		option.h        outrow.h        prtpage.h       prxbmap.h \
		readfont.h      readgf.h        readpk.h        readpost.h \
		readpxl.h       reldfont.h      rulepxl.h       setchar.h \
		setfntnm.h      setrule.h       signex.h        skgfspec.h \
		skipfont.h      skpkspec.h      special.h       strchr.h \
		strcm2.h        strid2.h        strrchr.h       tctos.h \
		typedefs.h      usage.h         warning.h

MAIN = main.h commands.h gendefs.h gblprocs.h gblvars.h

# Targets for command-line requests...

all:	dvialw	dvibit	dvican	dvie72	dvieps	dvigd	dviimp	dvijep\
	dvijet	dvil3p	dvil75	dvim72	dvimac	dvimpi	dvio72	dvioki\
	dviprx	dvitos	keytst	lptops	texidx

clean:	clean_obj clean_sym clean_cer clean_dvi clean_map

clean_all:	clean clean_exe

	del dvi*.exe
	del texidx.exe

	del *.dvi

	del dvi*.obj
	del texidx.obj

	del dvi*.map
	del texidx.map

	del dvi*.sym
	del texidx.sym

	del dvi*.cer
	del texidx.cer

# Shorthands for executable targets

00arit:	00arit$(X) 00arit.sym

dvialw:	dvialw$(X) dvialw.sym

dvibit:	dvibit$(X) dvibit.sym

dvican:	dvican$(X) dvican.sym

dvie72:	dvie72$(X) dvie72.sym

dvieps:	dvieps$(X) dvieps.sym

dvigd:	dvigd$(X) dvigd.sym

dviimp:	dviimp$(X) dviimp.sym

dvijep:	dvijep$(X) dvijep.sym

dvijet:	dvijet$(X) dvijet.sym

dvil3p:	dvil3p$(X) dvil3p.sym

dvil75:	dvil75$(X) dvil75.sym

dvim72:	dvim72$(X) dvim72.sym

dvimac:	dvimac$(X) dvimac.sym

dvimpi:	dvimpi$(X) dvimpi.sym

dvio72:	dvio72$(X) dvio72.sym

dvioki:	dvioki$(X) dvioki.sym

dvi$(PGM):	dvi$(PGM)$(X) dvi$(PGM).sym

dviprx:	dviprx$(X) dviprx.sym

dvitos:	dvitos$(X) dvitos.sym

keytst:	keytst$(X) keytst.sym

lptops:	lptops$(X) lptops.sym

texidx:	texidx$(X) texidx.sym

# Details for executable targets

		$(RM) 00arit$(O)
		$(RM) 00arit$(X)
		$(CC) -DSIZE=short $(CFLAGS) 00arit$(C) -o 00arit$(X) $(LFLAGS)
		$(RM) 00arit$(O)
		$(RM) 00arit$(X)
		$(CC) -DSIZE=int   $(CFLAGS) 00arit$(C) -o 00arit$(X) $(LFLAGS)
		$(RM) 00arit$(O)
		$(RM) 00arit$(X)
		$(CC) -DSIZE=long  $(CFLAGS) 00arit$(C) -o 00arit$(X) $(LFLAGS)
		$(RM) 00arit$(O)
		$(RM) 00arit$(X)

dvialw$(X):	dvialw$(O) cuseri$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $* cuseri,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dvibit$(X):	dvibit$(O) keybrd$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $* keybrd,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dvican$(X):	dvican$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dvie72$(X):	dvie72$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dvieps$(X):	dvieps$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dvigd$(X):	dvigd$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dvijep$(X):	dvijep$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dvijet$(X):	dvijet$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dviimp$(X):	dviimp$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dvil3p$(X):	dvil3p$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dvil75$(X):	dvil75$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dvim72$(X):	dvim72$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dvimac$(X):	dvimac$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dvimpi$(X):	dvimpi$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dvio72$(X):	dvio72$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dvioki$(X):	dvioki$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dviprx$(X):	dviprx$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

# Generic target (useful for debugging test versions)
dvi$(PGM)$(X):	dvi$(PGM)$(O) cuseri$(O) keybrd$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $* cuseri keybrd,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

dvitos$(X):	dvitos$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $*,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

keytst$(X):	keytst$(O) keybrd$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $* keybrd,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

lptops$(X):	lptops$(O) cuseri$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $* cuseri,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

texidx$(X):	texidx$(O) qsort$(O)
		link $(MSCWILD) $* qsort,$*,$(LINKFLAGS);

# File dependencies...  NB: A source file NEVER depends on another
#			source file, but an object file depends on a
#			source file and all the #include'd files in
#			that source file.

dvialw$(O):	dvialw.c\
		$(DVIHEAD) $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h\
		clrrow.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h findpost.h fixpos.h fontfile.h\
		fontsub.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h getpgtab.h inch.h\
		initglob.h movedown.h moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h\
		openfont.h option.h prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h\
		readpk.h readpost.h readpxl.h rulepxl.h setfntnm.h\
		setrule.h signex.h skgfspec.h skipfont.h skpkspec.h\
		strchr.h strcm2.h strid2.h strrchr.h tctos.h\
		usage.h warning.h

dvibit$(O):	dvibit.c\
		$(DVIHEAD) $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h\
		clrrow.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h findpost.h fixpos.h fontfile.h\
		fontsub.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h getpgtab.h inch.h\
		initglob.h movedown.h moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h\
		openfont.h option.h prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h\
		readpk.h readpost.h readpxl.h rulepxl.h setfntnm.h\
		setrule.h signex.h skgfspec.h skipfont.h skpkspec.h\
		special.h strchr.h strcm2.h strid2.h strrchr.h\
		tctos.h usage.h warning.h

dvie72$(O):	dvie72.c\
		$(DVIHEAD) bitmap.h $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h clrbmap.h\
		clrrow.h dispchar.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h fillrect.h findpost.h fixpos.h\
		fontfile.h fontsub.h getbmap.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h\
		getpgtab.h initglob.h inch.h loadchar.h movedown.h\
		moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h openfont.h option.h\
		outrow.h prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h readpk.h\
		readpost.h readpxl.h reldfont.h rulepxl.h setchar.h\
		setfntnm.h setrule.h signex.h skgfspec.h skipfont.h\
		skpkspec.h special.h strchr.h strcm2.h strid2.h\
		strrchr.h tctos.h usage.h warning.h

dvieps$(O):	dvieps.c\
		$(DVIHEAD) bitmap.h $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h clrbmap.h\
		clrrow.h dispchar.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h fillrect.h findpost.h fixpos.h\
		fontfile.h fontsub.h getbmap.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h\
		getpgtab.h initglob.h inch.h loadchar.h movedown.h\
		moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h openfont.h option.h\
		outrow.h prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h readpk.h\
		readpost.h readpxl.h reldfont.h rulepxl.h setchar.h\
		setfntnm.h setrule.h signex.h skgfspec.h skipfont.h\
		skpkspec.h special.h strchr.h strcm2.h strid2.h\
		strrchr.h tctos.h usage.h warning.h

dvigd$(O):	dvigd.c\
		$(DVIHEAD) bitmap.h $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h clrbmap.h\
		clrrow.h dispchar.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h fillrect.h findpost.h fixpos.h\
		fontfile.h fontsub.h getbmap.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h\
		getpgtab.h initglob.h inch.h loadchar.h movedown.h\
		moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h openfont.h option.h\
		outrow.h prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h readpk.h\
		readpost.h readpxl.h rulepxl.h setchar.h setfntnm.h\
		setrule.h signex.h skgfspec.h skipfont.h skpkspec.h\
		special.h strchr.h strcm2.h strid2.h strrchr.h\
		tctos.h usage.h warning.h

dviimp$(O):	dviimp.c\
		$(DVIHEAD) $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h\
		clrrow.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h findpost.h fixpos.h\
		fontfile.h fontsub.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h\
		getpgtab.h inch.h initglob.h movedown.h\
		moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h openfont.h option.h\
		prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h readpk.h\
		readpost.h readpxl.h rulepxl.h setfntnm.h setrule.h\
		signex.h skgfspec.h skipfont.h skpkspec.h special.h\
		strchr.h strcm2.h strid2.h strrchr.h tctos.h\
		usage.h warning.h

dvijep$(O):	dvijep.c\
		$(DVIHEAD) $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h\
		clrrow.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h findpost.h fixpos.h\
		fontfile.h fontsub.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h\
		getpgtab.h inch.h initglob.h movedown.h\
		moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h openfont.h option.h\
		prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h readpk.h readpost.h\
		readpxl.h rulepxl.h setfntnm.h setrule.h signex.h\
		skgfspec.h skipfont.h skpkspec.h special.h strchr.h\
		strcm2.h strid2.h strrchr.h tctos.h usage.h warning.h

dvijet$(O):	dvijet.c\
		$(DVIHEAD) bitmap.h $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h clrbmap.h\
		clrrow.h dbgopen.h dispchar.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h fillrect.h findpost.h fixpos.h\
		fontfile.h fontsub.h getbmap.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h\
		getpgtab.h initglob.h inch.h loadchar.h movedown.h\
		moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h openfont.h option.h\
		outrow.h prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h readpk.h\
		readpost.h readpxl.h rulepxl.h setchar.h setfntnm.h\
		setrule.h signex.h skgfspec.h skipfont.h skpkspec.h\
		special.h strchr.h strcm2.h strid2.h strrchr.h\
		tctos.h usage.h warning.h

dvil3p$(O):	dvil3p.c\
		$(DVIHEAD) bitmap.h $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h clrbmap.h\
		clrrow.h dispchar.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h fillrect.h findpost.h fixpos.h\
		fontfile.h fontsub.h getbmap.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h\
		getpgtab.h inch.h initglob.h loadchar.h movedown.h\
		moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h openfont.h option.h\
		outrow.h prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h readpk.h\
		readpost.h readpxl.h reldfont.h rulepxl.h setchar.h\
		setfntnm.h setrule.h signex.h skgfspec.h skipfont.h\
		skpkspec.h special.h strchr.h strcm2.h strid2.h\
		strrchr.h tctos.h usage.h warning.h

dvil75$(O):	dvil75.c\
		$(DVIHEAD) bitmap.h $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h clrbmap.h\
		clrrow.h dispchar.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h fillrect.h findpost.h fixpos.h\
		fontfile.h fontsub.h getbmap.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h\
		getpgtab.h inch.h initglob.h loadchar.h movedown.h\
		moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h openfont.h option.h\
		outrow.h prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h readpk.h\
		readpost.h readpxl.h reldfont.h rulepxl.h setchar.h\
		setfntnm.h setrule.h signex.h skgfspec.h skipfont.h\
		skpkspec.h special.h strchr.h strcm2.h strid2.h\
		strrchr.h tctos.h usage.h warning.h

dvim72$(O):	dvim72.c \
		$(DVIHEAD) bitmap.h $(MAIN) abortrun.h\
		actfact.h alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h\
		clrbmap.h clrrow.h dispchar.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h\
		dviinit.h dviterm.h f20open.h fatal.h fillrect.h\
		findpost.h fixpos.h fontfile.h fontsub.h getbmap.h\
		getbytes.h getfntdf.h getpgtab.h inch.h initglob.h\
		loadchar.h movedown.h moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h\
		openfont.h option.h outrow.h prtpage.h readfont.h\
		readgf.h readpk.h readpost.h readpxl.h rulepxl.h\
		setchar.h setfntnm.h setrule.h signex.h skgfspec.h\
		skipfont.h skpkspec.h special.h strchr.h strcm2.h\
		strid2.h strrchr.h tctos.h usage.h warning.h

dvimac$(O):	dvimac.c\
		$(DVIHEAD) bitmap.h $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h clrbmap.h\
		clrrow.h dispchar.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h fillrect.h findpost.h fixpos.h\
		fontfile.h fontsub.h getbmap.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h\
		getpgtab.h inch.h initglob.h loadchar.h movedown.h\
		moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h openfont.h option.h\
		outrow.h prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h readpk.h\
		readpost.h readpxl.h reldfont.h rulepxl.h setchar.h\
		setfntnm.h setrule.h signex.h skgfspec.h skipfont.h\
		skpkspec.h special.h strchr.h strcm2.h strid2.h\
		strrchr.h tctos.h usage.h warning.h

dvimpi$(O):	dvimpi.c\
		$(DVIHEAD) bitmap.h $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h clrbmap.h\
		clrrow.h dispchar.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h fillrect.h findpost.h fixpos.h\
		fontfile.h fontsub.h getbmap.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h\
		getpgtab.h inch.h initglob.h loadchar.h movedown.h\
		moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h openfont.h option.h\
		outrow.h prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h readpk.h\
		readpost.h readpxl.h reldfont.h rulepxl.h setchar.h\
		setfntnm.h setrule.h signex.h skgfspec.h skipfont.h\
		skpkspec.h special.h strchr.h strcm2.h strid2.h\
		strrchr.h tctos.h usage.h warning.h

dvio72$(O):	dvio72.c\
		$(DVIHEAD) bitmap.h $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h clrbmap.h\
		clrrow.h dispchar.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h fillrect.h findpost.h fixpos.h\
		fontfile.h fontsub.h getbmap.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h\
		getpgtab.h inch.h initglob.h loadchar.h movedown.h\
		moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h openfont.h option.h\
		outrow.h prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h readpk.h\
		readpost.h readpxl.h reldfont.h rulepxl.h setchar.h\
		setfntnm.h setrule.h signex.h skgfspec.h skipfont.h\
		skpkspec.h special.h strchr.h strcm2.h strid2.h\
		strrchr.h tctos.h usage.h warning.h

dvioki$(O):	dvioki.c\
		$(DVIHEAD) bitmap.h $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h clrbmap.h\
		clrrow.h dispchar.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h fillrect.h findpost.h fixpos.h\
		fontfile.h fontsub.h getbmap.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h\
		getpgtab.h inch.h initglob.h loadchar.h movedown.h\
		moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h openfont.h option.h\
		outrow.h prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h readpk.h\
		readpost.h readpxl.h reldfont.h rulepxl.h setchar.h\
		setfntnm.h setrule.h signex.h skgfspec.h skipfont.h\
		skpkspec.h special.h strchr.h strcm2.h strid2.h\
		strrchr.h tctos.h usage.h warning.h

dviprx$(O):	dviprx.c\
		$(DVIHEAD) bitmap.h $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h clrbmap.h\
		clrrow.h dispchar.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h fillrect.h findpost.h fixpos.h\
		fontfile.h fontsub.h getbmap.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h\
		getpgtab.h inch.h initglob.h loadchar.h movedown.h\
		moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h openfont.h option.h\
		outrow.h prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h readpk.h\
		readpost.h readpxl.h reldfont.h rulepxl.h setchar.h\
		setfntnm.h setrule.h signex.h skgfspec.h skipfont.h\
		skpkspec.h special.h strchr.h strcm2.h strid2.h\
		strrchr.h tctos.h usage.h warning.h

dvi$(PGM)$(O):	dvi$(PGM).c $(HFILES)

dvitos$(O):	dvitos.c $(DVIHEAD) bitmap.h $(MAIN) abortrun.h actfact.h\
		alldone.h chargf.h charpk.h charpxl.h clrbmap.h\
		clrrow.h dispchar.h dbgopen.h dvifile.h dviinit.h dviterm.h\
		f20open.h fatal.h fillrect.h findpost.h fixpos.h\
		fontfile.h fontsub.h getbmap.h getbytes.h getfntdf.h\
		getpgtab.h inch.h initglob.h loadchar.h movedown.h\
		moveover.h moveto.h nosignex.h openfont.h option.h\
		outrow.h prtpage.h readfont.h readgf.h readpk.h\
		readpost.h readpxl.h reldfont.h rulepxl.h setchar.h\
		setfntnm.h setrule.h signex.h skgfspec.h skipfont.h\
		skpkspec.h special.h strchr.h strcm2.h strid2.h\
		strrchr.h tctos.h usage.h warning.h

# These object files need PCFLAGS, since they do not use machdefs.h to
# select the operating system and compiler

keybrd$(O):	keybrd.c keydef.h
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(PCFLAGS) keybrd.c >keybrd.clg
		errshow <keybrd.clg >keybrd.cer
		del keybrd.clg

keytst$(O):	keytst.c keydef.h
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(PCFLAGS) keytst.c >keytst.clg
		errshow <keytst.clg >keytst.cer
		del keytst.clg

lptops$(O):	lptops.c\
		inch.h strcm2.h
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(PCFLAGS) lptops.c >lptops.clg
		errshow <lptops.clg >lptops.cer
		del lptops.clg

texidx$(O):	texidx.c
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(PCFLAGS) texidx.c >texidx.clg
		errshow <texidx.clg >texidx.cer
		del texidx.clg