-- battleship.sty  (v1.2) --

19/02/2013  implemented \classicgame [jk]
              for drawing game sheets for classic Battleship

18/02/2013  implemented option title [jk]
              -> \titleformat

18/02/2013  implemented option counterstyle [jk]
              -> \puzzlecounter, \setpuzzlecounter

17/02/2013  implemented option bgcolor [jk]

17/02/2013  moved code base for logic puzzles into logicpuzzle.sty [jk]

-- battleship.sty  (v1.1) --

12/02/2013 added \placewater [jk]
             puts a water marker into the grid

12/02/2013 added \placeisland [jk]
             puts an island with random outline into the grid

12/02/2013 renamed \ship -> \placesegment [jk]
                     added \let\ship\placesegment

11/02/2013 implemented \placeship{direction}{column}{row}{length} [jk]
             placement of complete ship at (column,row) in direction {V|H}
             with length length.

11/02/2013 implemented \BS@ingrid [jk]
             checks if coordinate is in the grid
             -> PackageError

10/02/2013 added \battleshipsetup [jk]
             for resetting global options

-- battleship bundle --

2013/02/09  IPO of battleship on CTAN