% mode=lowres;
% mode=epson;

\input waits.mf
mode         :=localfont;
mode_setup;  font_setup;  font_heb_setup;

input redisfont_newcode; % hebrew char
input hepunct;     % punctuation char from TeX

font_slant slant;
if monospace: font_normal_space 9u#; % no stretching or shrinking
 font_quad 18u#;
 font_extra_space 9u#;
else: font_normal_space 6u#;
 font_normal_stretch 3u#; font_normal_shrink 2u#;
 font_quad 18u#;
 font_extra_space 2u#;
 % WARNING !! The ligtable will be not be in the hebrew order
 % for good ligtable , write :
  ligtable 229: 249: 233: 243: 231: 232: 234: 235: 236:
           250: 237: 224 kern k#,
   246:  241 kern k#,224 kern k#,242 kern -k#,
   239:  241 kern k#,224 kern k#,
   230:  241 kern k#, 242 kern -k#,
   226: 229 kern -k#, 245 kern -k#, 233 kern -k#,234 kern -k#,
        227 kern -k#, 248 kern -k#,236 kern  -.5k#,
   240: 224 kern k#, 242 kern -k#,
   244: 224 kern k#, 242 kern -k#,
   242: 242 kern -k#,244 kern -k#,
   227: 244 kern -k#, 233 kern -k#,
   238: 245 kern -k#, 224 kern k#,
   225:  242 kern -k#,227 kern -k#, 248 kern -k#, 243 kern -k#,
         236 kern  -.5k#;