\section[Global_data]{Global data structures for processing} The main stuff is kept in global structures; to improve quality of life, global things' names start with Capital Letters. If it ain't described here, it ain't supposed to be global! (Well, except for some command-line option variables...) The document being processed is taken to be a sequence of {\em sections}\index{sections}, each made of zero or more {\em blocks}\index{blocks} (see next section) of stuff-of-one-kind. Important: whereas the ``sections'' the user sees may be nested within each other (e.g., sections within a chapter), a ``section'' here just the sequence of blocks between one sectioning command (\tr{\section}) and the next (\tr{\section}, for any \tr{} and \tr{}. For example, the stuff before the first sectioning command is the root ``section'' (number~0.0.0...), the stuff between (e.g.) a \tr{\section1} command and an ensuing \tr{\section2} command is a ``section,'' etc. Confusing, but only to us hackers... \subsection[Data_about_sections]{Global data about sections} \begin{code} &init_section_data_structures(); sub init_section_data_structures { # also used in the linker \end{code} Things we want to keep track of about ``sections'' (values for the root section are provided): \begin{description} \item[@Sec_depth@:] the sectioning depth provided by the user; 0 is a special depth only for the root section (pre-amble) [sparked by seeing \tr{\documentstyle}] and the \tr{\end{document}} section; -1 means no depth has been assigned. \begin{code} @Sec_depth = (-1); \end{code} \item[@Sec_abs_depth@:] the absolute sectioning depth; it is calculated. \begin{code} @Sec_abs_depth = (-1); \end{code} \item[@Sec_nodename@:] the default node-name for that section; to go from a nodename to a section number, we have the auxiliary associative array @%Nodename_sec@. The array @Sec_alias@ contains {\em extra} names for this section, introduced by \tr{\label}s. \begin{code} @Sec_nodename = (''); # 'Top' (set by \documentstyle) %Nodename_sec = (); # ('Top', 0); @Sec_aliases = (''); \end{code} \item[@Sec_nodespec@:] a specification (a string) for how each node is wired up (\tr{lit2texi}). \begin{code} @Sec_nodespec = (''); # Top,,,(dir) \end{code} \item[@Sec_title@] gives the text of the title for a section. \begin{code} @Sec_title = (''); \end{code} \item[@Sec_numstr@:] the section number as a string, full-stop/period-separated; the associative array @%Sec_numstr_exists@ (indexed by @Sec_numstr@'s) is used to help find (e.g.) a \tr{\section}'s \tr{\section}'s, and such like. @Sec_vec@, a sort-of counter, is very much related; in turn, the routine @incr_Sec_vec@ is very much related to it. \begin{code} @Sec_numstr = (''); # (') %Sec_numstr_exists = (); # ('', 0) # 12 sectioning levels for the user; level 0 is magic and extra # that -1 will be bumped first thing (we hope) @Sec_vec = (-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); # curr Sec_numstr in non-string form \end{code} \item[@Sec_first_blk@ and @Sec_last_blk@:] these point the way to a section's blocks (see next section). \begin{code} @Sec_first_blk = (0); # to find their blocks @Sec_last_blk = (-1); \end{code} \item[@Sec_owner@:] who should be listed as the owner of this section when a \tr{-O} flag given; set from \tr{\owner} command; otherwise, from who actually owns the source-file of the section's first block. \begin{code} @Sec_owner = (''); \end{code} \item[@Sec_extra_menu_entries@:] a string giving extra menu entries (from user's \tr{\menuentry} requests). \begin{code} @Sec_extra_menu_entries = (''); \end{code} \item[@Sec_codethings_defd@ and @Sec_codethings_used@:] a comma-separated string of ``interesting'' things found by @find_interesting_codethings@ in this section. \begin{code} @Sec_codethings_defd = (''); @Sec_codethings_used = (''); %Codething_defd_sec = (); # only used in the linker } # end of subroutine init_section_data_structures \end{code} \end{description} \begin{code} sub tidy_numstr { local($numstr) = @_; $numstr =~ s/^-1\.//; # strip leading -1 (I don't like this...) $numstr =~ s/^[0\.]+\.//; # strip leading zeros $numstr =~ s/\.[0\.]+$//; # strip trailing zeros $numstr; } $S = 0; # reserved scalar for walking through sections # constants; full LaTeX hierarchy # all subparagraphs (LaTeX) or subsubsections (Texinfo) below # a certain level -- for now $MAX_SEC_DEPTH = 12; sub incr_Sec_vec { local($i) = @_; # the section-depth to increment # print STDERR "entering incr_Sec_vec: $i\n" if $Debugging; $Sec_vec[$i] = $Sec_vec[$i] + 1; $i++; while ($i <= $#Sec_vec) { # zero out subsections $Sec_vec[$i] = 0; $i++; } } #operations on Secs sub start_new_section { # wind up curr section, make ready for next # print STDERR "entering start_new_section\n" if $Debugging; $S++; if (! &empty_blk_p($B)) { $Sec_last_blk[$S - 1] = $B; &incr_blk_ctr(); # new section -> new block } else { $Sec_last_blk[$S - 1] = $B - 1; $Blk_sec[$B] = $S; } $Sec_depth[$S] = -1; # means: unknown" $Sec_abs_depth[$S] = -1; $Sec_nodename[$S] = ''; $Sec_aliases[$S] = ''; $Sec_nodespec[$S] = ''; $Sec_title[$S] = ''; $Sec_numstr[$S] = ''; $Sec_first_blk[$S] = $B; $Sec_last_blk[$S] = -1; $Sec_owner[$S] = ''; $Sec_extra_menu_entries[$S] = ''; $Sec_codethings_defd[$S] = ''; $Sec_codethings_used[$S] = ''; } \end{code} \subsection[Data_about_blocks]{Global data about blocks} Each ``section'' is a sequence of ``blocks'' of stuff: each block has a type (text, code, etc.) and some text, plus some other miscellaneous information. The presumption is that, though blocks may change internally (number of lines, etc.), the number/order/etc.~of blocks won't change. \begin{code} @Blk_type = (''); @Blk_sec = (''); # backpointer to what section it's in @Blk_magic = (''); # mainly ribbon names, for "code" @Blk_txt = (''); @Blk_srcfile_name = (''); @Blk_srcfile_lineno = (1); # list of codethings defined/used in this block (if code) @Blk_codethings_defd = (); @Blk_codethings_used = (); $B = 0; # reserved for walking through blocks # operations thereon sub empty_blk_p { # empty if it has no text local($blk_no) = @_; ($Blk_txt[$B] eq '') ? 1 : 0; } sub incr_blk_ctr { # print STDERR "entering incr_blk_ctr\n" if $Debugging; $B++; $Blk_type[$B] = ''; $Blk_sec[$B] = $S; # that's where we are $Blk_txt[$B] = ''; $Blk_magic[$B] = ''; $Blk_srcfile_name[$B] = ''; $Blk_srcfile_lineno[$B] = -1; $Blk_codethings_defd[$B]= ''; $Blk_codethings_used[$B]= ''; } sub set_blk_magic_info { # for special info about specific types of blks local($b_info) = @_; $Blk_magic[$B] = $b_info; } sub append_to_curr_blk { local($b_type, $b_txt) = @_; if (&empty_blk_p($B)) { # first use ¬_OK($Srcfile_name, $Srcfile_lineno, # I hope that's right... "non-matching type on empty blk with type already set\n") if ($Blk_type[$B] && $Blk_type[$B] ne $b_type); $Blk_type[$B] = $b_type; $Blk_txt[$B] = $b_txt; $Blk_srcfile_name[$B] = $Srcfile_name; $Blk_srcfile_lineno[$B] = $Srcfile_lineno; } elsif ($Blk_type[$B] ne $b_type) { # ??? ¬_OK($Srcfile_name, $Srcfile_lineno, # I hope that's right... "unexpected blk type change in append_to_curr_blk: $Blk_type[$B], $b_type; $b_txt\n"); $Blk_type[$B] = $b_type; $Blk_txt[$B] = $b_txt; $Blk_srcfile_name[$B] = $Srcfile_name; $Blk_srcfile_lineno[$B] = $Srcfile_lineno; } else { $Blk_txt[$B] .= $b_txt; } } \end{code} Executable/compilable code (inside \tr{\begin{code} ... \end{code}}) is associated with one or more code {\em ribbons}; by default, code is appended onto ribbon \tr{main}. During @read_and_categorize_input@, the numbers for all the blocks holding code for ribbon \tr{foo} are accumulated into @$Ribbon_blks{'foo'}@. \begin{code} %Ribbon_blks = (); \end{code} \subsection[Other_global_data]{Other global data} Miscellaneous global things. \begin{code} $Srcfile_name = ''; # source file current line came from $Srcfile_lineno = 0; # line number of current line $Doc_title = ''; $Doc_author = ''; $Doc_date = ''; $Only_latex = 0; $Only_info = 0; # for \define{}{} things; some built-in for lit2texi %Define = (); if ($Lit2texi) { $Define{'LaTeX'} = 'LaTeX'; $Define{'Haskell'} = 'Haskell'; $Define{'TeX'} = 'TeX'; $Define{'ldots'} = '...'; } %SECCMD_DEPTH = ('RESERVED_A_bug_if_you_see_it', 0, 'part', 1, 'chapter', 2, 'section', 3, 'subsection', 4, 'subsubsection', 5, 'paragraph', 6, 'subparagraph', 7,'subparagraph', 8, 'subparagraph', 9, 'subparagraph',10,'subparagraph', 11, 'subparagraph', 12 ); # LaTeX (used for \section(ref|type)s for Texinfo as well) @SECDEPTH_LCMD =('RESERVED_A_bug_if_you_see_it', 'part', 'chapter', 'section', 'subsection', 'subsubsection', 'paragraph', 'subparagraph','subparagraph', 'subparagraph', 'subparagraph','subparagraph', 'subparagraph' ); # Texinfo -- really need something like 'part' @SECDEPTH_TCMD =('RESERVED_A_bug_if_you_see_it', 'chapter', 'chapter', 'section', 'subsection', 'subsubsection', 'subsubsection', 'subsubsection','subsubsection','subsubsection', 'subsubsection','subsubsection','subsubsection' ); # a table of \begin/end environments we known what to do with # this is so lit2texi can turn the others into something sensible $KNOWN_ENV{'change'} = 1; $KNOWN_ENV{'comment'} = 1; $KNOWN_ENV{'description'} = 1; $KNOWN_ENV{'display'} = 1; $KNOWN_ENV{'document'} = 1; $KNOWN_ENV{'enumerate'} = 1; $KNOWN_ENV{'figure'} = 1; $KNOWN_ENV{'flushdisplay'} = 1; $KNOWN_ENV{'flushverbatim'} = 1; $KNOWN_ENV{'itemise'} = 1; $KNOWN_ENV{'itemize'} = 1; $KNOWN_ENV{'menu'} = 1; # onlylatex/info/etc should never get far enough to be seen # so they aren't in this table. $KNOWN_ENV{'quotation'} = 1; $KNOWN_ENV{'table'} = 1; $KNOWN_ENV{'tabular'} = 1; $KNOWN_ENV{'test'} = 1; $KNOWN_ENV{'verbatim'} = 1; \end{code} \subsection[Debugging_global_data]{Debugging global data} \begin{code} sub dump_sections_and_blocks { local(@ln, $l); # for blk text lines local($temp); # print STDERR "entering dump_sections_and_blocks\n" if $Debugging; # this may not be printing the latest and greatest stuff foreach ($S = 0; $S <= $#Sec_depth; $S++) { print STDERR "Section $S ($Sec_numstr[$S]):: depth: $Sec_depth[$S]; abs_depth: $Sec_abs_depth[$S]; nodename: $Sec_nodename[$S]; nodespec: $Sec_nodespec[$S]; blks: $Sec_first_blk[$S]:$Sec_last_blk[$S]; title: $Sec_title[$S]\n"; foreach ($B = $Sec_first_blk[$S]; $B <= $Sec_last_blk[$S]; $B++) { print STDERR " Block $B; sec $Blk_sec[$B]; srcfile: $Blk_srcfile_name[$B]/$Blk_srcfile_lineno[$B]; type: $Blk_type[$B]; magic: $Blk_magic[$B]\n"; ¬_OK($Blk_srcfile_name[$B], $Blk_srcfile_lineno[$B], "!!! Hey blk_sec ne sec: $Blk_sec[$B] != $S\n") if $Blk_sec[$B] != $S; $temp = $Blk_txt[$B]; $temp =~ s/\n/\\n\n/g; @ln = split(/\n/,$temp); for $l (@ln) { print STDERR "\t$l\n"; } if ($Blk_type[$B] eq 'code') { print STDERR "codethings defd: $Blk_codethings_defd[$B]\n" if $Blk_codethings_defd[$B]; print STDERR "codethings used: $Blk_codethings_used[$B]\n" if $Blk_codethings_used[$B]; } } print STDERR "sec codethings defd: $Sec_codethings_defd[$S]\n" if $Sec_codethings_defd[$S]; print STDERR "sec codethings used: $Sec_codethings_used[$S]\n" if $Sec_codethings_used[$S]; print STDERR "\n"; } print STDERR "Ribbons:\n"; local($ribbon,$blk_list); while (($ribbon, $blk_list) = each %Ribbon_blks) { print STDERR "\t$ribbon: $blk_list\n"; } } \end{code}