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Please Note: Mirror is currently undergoing maintenance so you may find some repositories are not up to date.
Name | Last modified | Size | |
Parent Directory | - | ||
PyQt-builder/ | 2024-05-13 21:26 | - | |
PyQt5-sip/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
PyQt5/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
PyQt6-WebEngine/ | 2024-05-14 17:50 | - | |
PyQt6-sip/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
PyQt6/ | 2024-05-13 21:26 | - | |
PySocks/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
adblock/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
appdirs/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
apsw/ | 2024-05-05 17:25 | - | |
attrs/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
backports-tarfile/ | 2024-04-25 17:27 | - | |
beautifulsoup4/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
cachecontrol/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
certifi/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
cffi/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
chardet/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
charset-normalizer/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
colorama/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
css-parser/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
cssselect/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
cython/ | 2024-04-21 18:49 | - | |
dbus-python/ | 2024-05-05 03:46 | - | |
dnspython/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
docutils/ | 2024-05-11 17:29 | - | |
editables/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
ensurepip-pip/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
ensurepip-setuptools/ | 2024-05-02 17:21 | - | |
ensurepip-wheels/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
fastjsonschema/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
feedparser/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
filelock/ | 2024-05-25 17:29 | - | |
flit-core/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
fonttools/ | 2024-04-21 18:49 | - | |
fs/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
gentoo-common/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
gpep517/ | 2024-06-01 17:57 | - | |
hatch-fancy-pypi-rea..> | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
hatch-vcs/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
hatchling/ | 2024-05-11 17:29 | - | |
html2text/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
html5-parser/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
html5lib/ | 2024-05-25 17:29 | - | |
idna/ | 2024-04-13 17:27 | - | |
ifaddr/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
installer/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
jaraco-context/ | 2024-04-25 17:27 | - | |
jaraco-functools/ | 2024-05-05 03:46 | - | |
jaraco-text/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
jeepney/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
jinja/ | 2024-06-01 17:57 | - | |
lark/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
lockfile/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
lxml-html-clean/ | 2024-04-27 18:08 | - | |
lxml/ | 2024-05-29 18:18 | - | |
mako/ | 2024-06-01 17:57 | - | |
markdown/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
markupsafe/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
mechanize/ | 2024-05-11 17:29 | - | |
meson-python/ | 2024-05-14 17:50 | - | |
more-itertools/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
msgpack/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
netifaces/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
nspektr/ | 2024-01-07 15:57 | - | |
numpy/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
olefile/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
ordered-set/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
packaging/ | 2024-03-31 17:38 | - | |
pathspec/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
pbr/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
pillow/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
platformdirs/ | 2024-06-01 17:57 | - | |
pluggy/ | 2024-05-08 17:46 | - | |
ply/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
poetry-core/ | 2024-04-16 20:58 | - | |
psutil/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
pybind11/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
pycairo/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
pychm/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
pycparser/ | 2024-04-21 18:49 | - | |
pycups/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
pygments/ | 2024-05-29 18:18 | - | |
pygobject/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
pyparsing/ | 2024-01-07 15:57 | - | |
pyproject-metadata/ | 2024-05-05 17:25 | - | |
pysol-cards/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
python-dateutil/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
pytz/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
pyxdg/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
pyyaml/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
random2/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
regex/ | 2024-05-17 17:19 | - | |
requests/ | 2024-05-22 17:57 | - | |
semantic-version/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
setuptools-rust/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
setuptools-scm/ | 2024-05-29 18:18 | - | |
setuptools/ | 2024-05-02 17:21 | - | |
sgmllib3k/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
sip/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
six/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
soupsieve/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
tomli/ | 2024-03-21 03:11 | - | |
trove-classifiers/ | 2024-06-01 17:57 | - | |
typing-extensions/ | 2024-04-21 18:49 | - | |
urllib3/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
versioneer/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
webencodings/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
wheel/ | 2024-03-31 17:38 | - | |
xxhash/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |
zeroconf/ | 2024-04-28 17:57 | - | |
zipp/ | 2024-06-01 17:57 | - | |
zstandard/ | 2024-04-02 21:46 | - | |