#! /bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # declare -r version=1.1 declare -r script=${BASH_SOURCE[0]} declare -r rcodesURL='https://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters/dns-parameters-6.csv' #============================================================================================================================ PrintHelp() { echo "" echo "Usage: $( basename "${script}" ) [options]" echo "" echo "Options:" echo " -h Display script usage." echo " -V Display version of this script and exit." echo "" echo "This script writes C functions to convert DNS RCODE values to strings and vice versa to stdout" echo "based on the latest DNS RCODE data available at" echo "" echo " ${rcodesURL}" echo "" } #============================================================================================================================ ErrQuit() { echo "error: $*" 1>&2 exit 1 } #============================================================================================================================ StripLeadingTrailingWhitespace() { sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//' } #============================================================================================================================ GetNamesAndValues() { shopt -s nocasematch while IFS=',' read value name others; do name=$( StripLeadingTrailingWhitespace <<< "${name}" ) [[ ${name} =~ ^unassigned$ ]] && continue value=$( StripLeadingTrailingWhitespace <<< "${value}" ) [[ ${value} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || continue [ "${value}" -le 65535 ] || continue # Currently, RCODEs can be up to 16-bits in size. # The value 65535 is reserved according to <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6895#section-2.3>. # However, the name in the CSV file is "Reserved, can be allocated by Standards Action". For simplicity, we just # use the name "Reserved". if [ "${value}" -eq 65535 ]; then name='Reserved' fi echo "${name},${value}" done shopt -u nocasematch } #============================================================================================================================ RCodeMnemonicToEnum() { name="${1//[^A-Za-z0-9_]/_}" # Only allow alphanumeric and underscore characters. printf "kDNSRCode_${name}" } #============================================================================================================================ PrintRCodeEnums() { local -r inputFile=${1} printf "typedef enum\n" printf "{\n" local sep="" < "${inputFile}" sort --field-separator=, --key=2,2 --numeric-sort --unique | while IFS=',' read name value; do printf "%b" "${sep}" local enum=$( RCodeMnemonicToEnum "${name}" ) printf "\t%-20s= %d" "${enum}" "${value}" sep=",\n" done printf "\n" printf "\t\n" printf "}\tDNSRCode;\n" } #============================================================================================================================ PrintValueToStringElseIf() { local -r first=${1} local -r last=${2} [ "${first}" -le "${last}" ] || ErrQuit "${first} > ${last}" shift 2 local stringArray=( "$@" ) if [ "${last}" -ne "${first}" ]; then printf "\telse if( ( inValue >= ${first} ) && ( inValue <= ${last} ) )\n" local -r arrayVarName="sNames_${first}_${last}" else printf "\telse if( inValue == ${first} )\n" local -r arrayVarName="sNames_${first}" fi printf "\t{\n" printf "\t\tstatic const char * const\t\t${arrayVarName}[] =\n" printf "\t\t{\n" local value=${first} for string in "${stringArray[@]}"; do printf "\t\t\t%-15s // %3d\n" "\"${string}\"," "${value}" value=$(( value + 1 )) done local -r stringCount=$(( value - first )) local -r expectedCount=$(( last - first + 1 )) [ "${stringCount}" -eq "${expectedCount}" ] || ErrQuit "${stringCount} != ${expectedCount}" printf "\t\t};\n" printf "\t\tstring = ${arrayVarName}[ inValue - ${first} ];\n" printf "\t}\n" } #============================================================================================================================ PrintValueToStringFunction() { local -r inputFile=${1} printf "const char *\tDNSRCodeToString( const int inValue )\n" printf "{\n" printf "\tswitch( inValue )\n" printf "\t{\n" < "${inputFile}" sort --field-separator=, --key=2,2 --numeric-sort --unique | { local stringArray=() while IFS=',' read name value; do local enum=$( RCodeMnemonicToEnum "${name}" ) printf "\t\t%-28s%s\n" "case ${enum}:" "return( \"${name}\" );" done } printf "\t\t%-28sreturn( NULL );\n" "default:" printf "\t}\n" printf "}\n" } #============================================================================================================================ PrintStringToValueFunction() { local -r inputFile=${1} printf "#include <stdlib.h>\n" printf "\n" printf "typedef struct\n" printf "{\n" printf "\tconst char *\t\tname;\n" printf "\tint\t\t\t\t\tvalue;\n" printf "\t\n" printf "}\t_DNSRCodeTableEntry;\n" printf "\n" printf "static int\t_DNSRCodeFromStringCmp( const void *inKey, const void *inElement );\n" printf "\n" printf "int\tDNSRCodeFromString( const char * const inString )\n" printf "{\n" printf "\t// The name-value table is sorted by name in ascending lexicographical order to allow going from name to\n" printf "\t// value in logarithmic time via a binary search.\n" printf "\t\n" printf "\tstatic const _DNSRCodeTableEntry\t\tsTable[] =\n" printf "\t{\n" local sep="" < "${inputFile}" sort --field-separator=, --key=1,1 --ignore-case --unique | while IFS=',' read name value; do printf "%b" "${sep}" local enum=$( RCodeMnemonicToEnum "${name}" ) printf "\t\t%-16s%-20s}" "{ \"${name}\"," "${enum}" sep=",\n" done printf "\n" printf "\t};\n" printf "\tconst _DNSRCodeTableEntry *\t\t\tentry;\n" printf "\t\n" printf "\tentry = (_DNSRCodeTableEntry *) bsearch( inString, sTable, sizeof( sTable ) / sizeof( sTable[ 0 ] ),\n" printf "\t\tsizeof( sTable[ 0 ] ), _DNSRCodeFromStringCmp );\n" printf "\treturn( entry ? entry->value : -1 );\n" printf "}\n" printf "\n" printf "static int\t_DNSRCodeFromStringCmp( const void * const inKey, const void * const inElement )\n" printf "{\n" printf "\tconst _DNSRCodeTableEntry * const\t\tentry = (const _DNSRCodeTableEntry *) inElement;\n" printf "\treturn( strcasecmp( (const char *) inKey, entry->name ) );\n" printf "}\n" } #============================================================================================================================ ExitHandler() { if [ -d "${tempDir}" ]; then rm -fr "${tempDir}" fi } #============================================================================================================================ PrintAutoGenNote() { printf "// This code was autogenerated on $( date -u '+%Y-%m-%d' ) by $( basename ${script} ) version ${version}\n" printf "// Data source URL: ${rcodesURL}\n" printf "\n" } #============================================================================================================================ main() { while getopts ":hO:V" option; do case "${option}" in h) PrintHelp exit 0 ;; V) echo "$( basename "${script}" ) version ${version}" exit 0 ;; :) ErrQuit "option '${OPTARG}' requires an argument." ;; *) ErrQuit "unknown option '${OPTARG}'." ;; esac done [ "${OPTIND}" -gt "$#" ] || ErrQuit "unexpected argument \"${!OPTIND}\"." trap ExitHandler EXIT tempDir=$( mktemp -d ) || ErrQuit "Failed to make temporary directory." declare -r originalRCodesFile="${tempDir}/rcodesOriginal.csv" curl --output "${originalRCodesFile}" "${rcodesURL}" || ErrQuit "Failed to download CSV file." declare -r rcodesFile="${tempDir}/rcodes.csv" < "${originalRCodesFile}" GetNamesAndValues > "${rcodesFile}" declare -r tempFile="${tempDir}/temp.csv" < "${rcodesFile}" sort --field-separator=, --key=2,2 --unique --numeric-sort > "${tempFile}" < "${tempFile}" sort --field-separator=, --key=1,1 --unique --ignore-case > "${rcodesFile}" PrintAutoGenNote PrintRCodeEnums "${rcodesFile}" printf "\n" PrintAutoGenNote PrintValueToStringFunction "${rcodesFile}" printf "\n" PrintAutoGenNote PrintStringToValueFunction "${rcodesFile}" } main "$@"