# $File: apache,v 1.1 2017/04/11 14:52:15 christos Exp $
# apache: file(1) magic for Apache Big Data formats

# Avro files
0	string		Obj		Apache Avro
>3	byte		x		version %d

# ORC files
# Important information is in file footer, which we can't index to :(
0	string		ORC		Apache ORC

# Parquet files
0	string		PAR1		Apache Parquet

# Hive RC files
0	string		RCF		Apache Hive RC file
>3	byte		x		version %d

# Sequence files (and the careless first version of RC file)

0	string		SEQ
>3	byte		<6		Apache Hadoop Sequence file version %d
>3	byte		>6		Apache Hadoop Sequence file version %d
>3	byte		=6
>>5	string		org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.RCFile$KeyBuffer  Apache Hive RC file version 0
>>3	default		x		Apache Hadoop Sequence file version 6