/* -*- Mode: Text -*- */
AutoGen Definitions perlopt;

#include autogen-version.def

prog-name      = 'plot_summary';
prog-title     = 'plot statistics generated by summary script';
package		= ntp;
#include	version.def


flag = {
    name        = directory;
    arg-type    = string;
    arg-default = '/tmp';
    descrip     = 'Where the summary files are';
    doc         = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        The directory where the @code{plot_summary} will search for the
        *_summary files generated by @code{summary} script.

flag = {
    name        = identifier;
    arg-type    = string;
    descrip     = 'Origin of the data';
    doc         = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        Where does the plotted data come from, default to string "host" plus
        current hostname

flag = {
    name        = offset-limit;
    arg-type    = string;
    arg-name    = float;
    arg-default = "0.128";
    descrip     = 'Limit of absolute offset';
    doc         = <<-  _EndOfDoc_

flag = {
    name        = peer;
    arg-type    = string;
    max         = NOLIMIT;
    descrip     = 'Peers to generate plots for';
    doc         = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        By default the peer_summary plots are not generated. Use this option to
        specify list of peers if you want to generate plots for them.

flag = {
    name        = plot-term;
    arg-type    = string;
    descrip     = 'Gnuplot terminal';
    doc         = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        This is string is passed directly to the @code{gnuplot set terminal}
        command.  Default is @code{x11} if @code{DISPLAY} is set and
        @code{dumb} is it's not'. See output from @code(gnuplot -e "set
        terminal") for the list of available options.

flag = {
    name        = output-file;
    arg-type    = str;
    descrip     = 'Output file';
    doc         = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        Output file for @code{gnuplot}, default to stdout.

flag = {
    name        = dont-wait;
    descrip     = "Don't wait for keystroke between plots";
    doc         = <<-  _EndOfDoc_