# Copyright 2019-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
# Basic TUI tests.
# Use main-one-line.c to get the line info at a predictable location without
# resorting to a dwarf assembly test-case.
standard_testfile main-one-line.c
set main_line [gdb_get_line_number "int main"]
if {[build_executable "failed to prepare" ${testfile} ${srcfile}] == -1} {
return -1
Term::clean_restart 24 80 $testfile
if {![Term::enter_tui]} {
unsupported "TUI not supported"
set text [Term::get_all_lines]
gdb_assert {![string match "No Source Available" $text]} \
"initial source listing"
Term::command "list -q main"
set main_re "int main \\(\\) { return 0; }"
Term::check_contents "list -q main" "$main_line *$main_re"
# Get the first source line.
set line [Term::get_line 1]
# Send an up arrow.
send_gdb "\033\[A"
# Wait for a redraw and check that the first line changed.
if {[Term::wait_for [string_to_regexp $line]] \
&& [Term::get_line 1] != $line\
&& [Term::get_line 2] == $line} {
pass "scroll up"
} else {
fail "scroll up"
# Get the actual screen line that main is on.
set main_screen_line -1
for { set i 1 } { $i <= $Term::_cols } { incr i } {
set line [Term::get_line $i]
if { [regexp -- "$main_line\[\\t \]+$main_re" $line] } {
set main_screen_line $i
# Confirm that 'main ()' is where we expect it to be. This relies on the
# current way we position source code on the screen, which might change in
# the future.
gdb_assert { $main_screen_line == 7 } \
"check main is where we expect on the screen"
if { $main_screen_line == -1 } {
return 0
# Check the horizontal scrolling.
set shifted_main_re [string range $main_re 1 end]
set regexp "$main_line\[\\t \]+$shifted_main_re"
# Send a right arrow.
send_gdb "\033\[C"
if {[Term::wait_for $regexp]} {
pass "scroll right"
} else {
fail "scroll right"
set line [Term::get_line $main_screen_line]
# Send a down arrow.
send_gdb "\033\[B"
if {[Term::wait_for $regexp] \
&& [Term::get_line [expr {$main_screen_line - 1}]] == $line} {
pass "scroll down"
} else {
fail "scroll down"
Term::check_box "source box" 0 0 80 15
Term::command "layout asm"
Term::check_contents "asm window shows main" "$hex "
Term::check_box "asm box" 0 0 80 15
Term::command "layout split"
Term::check_contents "split layout contents" \
"$main_line *$main_re.*$hex "
Term::check_box "source box in split layout" 0 0 80 8
Term::check_box "asm box in split layout" 0 7 80 8