#ifndef XKBUI_H #define XKBUI_H 1 /* $XConsortium: XKBui.h /main/2 1995/12/07 21:18:19 kaleb $ */ /************************************************************ Copyright (c) 1996 by Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Silicon Graphics not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission. Silicon Graphics makes no representation about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty. SILICON GRAPHICS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ********************************************************/ /* $XFree86$ */ #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/XKBlib.h> #include <X11/extensions/XKBgeom.h> typedef struct _XkbUI_View *XkbUI_ViewPtr; typedef struct _XkbUI_ViewOpts { unsigned int present; unsigned int fg; unsigned int bg; unsigned int label_mode; unsigned int color_mode; XRectangle viewport; unsigned int margin_width; unsigned int margin_height; Colormap cmap; } XkbUI_ViewOptsRec,*XkbUI_ViewOptsPtr; /* * legal values for present field of a view options */ #define XkbUI_BackgroundMask (1<<0) #define XkbUI_ForegroundMask (1<<1) #define XkbUI_LabelModeMask (1<<2) #define XkbUI_ColorModeMask (1<<3) #define XkbUI_WidthMask (1<<4) #define XkbUI_HeightMask (1<<5) #define XkbUI_XOffsetMask (1<<6) #define XkbUI_YOffsetMask (1<<7) #define XkbUI_ColormapMask (1<<8) #define XkbUI_MarginWidthMask (1<<9) #define XkbUI_MarginHeightMask (1<<10) #define XkbUI_SizeMask (XkbUI_WidthMask|XkbUI_HeightMask) #define XkbUI_OffsetMask (XkbUI_XOffsetMask|XkbUI_YOffsetMask) #define XkbUI_MarginMask (XkbUI_MarginWidthMask|XkbUI_MarginHeightMask) #define XkbUI_AllViewOptsMask (0x7ff) /* * legal values for the label_mode of a view options */ #define XkbUI_NoLabels 0 #define XkbUI_KeyCodes 1 #define XkbUI_KeyNames 2 #define XkbUI_StateSyms 3 #define XkbUI_MultiSyms 4 typedef struct _XkbUI_Select { unsigned type; XkbSectionPtr section; XkbKeyPtr key; XkbDoodadPtr doodad; } XkbUI_SelectRec,*XkbUI_SelectPtr; /* * legal values for 'type' field of a selection report */ #define XkbUI_Keys 0 #define XkbUI_Indicators 1 #define XkbUI_TextLabels 2 #define XkbUI_SolidShapes 3 #define XkbUI_Outlines 4 #define XkbUI_Logos 5 #define XkbUI_Sections 6 /* * legal values for 'which' field of a select call */ #define XkbUI_KeysMask (1<<0) #define XkbUI_IndicatorsMask (1<<1) #define XkbUI_TextLabelsMask (1<<2) #define XkbUI_SolidShapesMask (1<<3) #define XkbUI_OutlinesMask (1<<4) #define XkbUI_LogosMask (1<<5) #define XkbUI_SectionsMask (1<<6) /* * legal values for key appearance flag */ #define XkbUI_KeyDown (1<<0) #define XkbUI_Highlight (1<<1) _XFUNCPROTOBEGIN extern XkbUI_ViewPtr XkbUI_SimpleInit( Display * /* dpy */, Window /* win */, int /* width */, int /* height */ ); extern XkbUI_ViewPtr XkbUI_Init( Display * /* dpy */, Window /* win */, int /* width */, int /* height */, XkbDescPtr /* xkb */, XkbUI_ViewOptsPtr /* view */ ); extern Status XkbUI_SetViewOpts( XkbUI_ViewPtr /* view */, XkbUI_ViewOptsPtr /* opts */ ); extern Status XbUI_GetViewOpts( XkbUI_ViewPtr /* view */, XkbUI_ViewOptsPtr /* opts_rtrn */ ); extern Status XkbUI_SetCanvasSize( XkbUI_ViewPtr /* view */, int /* width */, int /* height */ ); extern Status XkbUI_GetCanvasSize( XkbUI_ViewPtr /* view */, int * /* width_rtrn */, int * /* height_rtrn */ ); extern Bool XkbUI_SetKeyAppearance( XkbUI_ViewPtr /* view */, KeyCode /* kc */, unsigned /* flags */ ); extern Bool XkbUI_SetKeyAppearanceByName( XkbUI_ViewPtr /* view */, XkbKeyNamePtr /* name */, unsigned /* flags */ ); extern Bool XkbUI_ResetKeyAppearance( XkbUI_ViewPtr /* view */, unsigned int /* mask */, unsigned int /* values */ ); extern Bool XkbUI_DrawRegion( XkbUI_ViewPtr /* view */, XRectangle * /* viewport */ ); extern Bool XkbUI_DrawChanged( XkbUI_ViewPtr /* view */, XRectangle * /* viewport */, XkbChangesPtr /* changes */, int /* num_keys */, XkbKeyNamePtr /* keys */ ); extern Bool XkbUI_Select( XkbUI_ViewPtr /* view */, XPoint * /* coord */, unsigned int /* which */, XkbSectionPtr /* section */ ); _XFUNCPROTOEND #endif /* XKBUI_H */