/* $NetBSD: efibind.h,v 1.3 2018/08/16 18:22:05 jmcneill Exp $ */ /*++ Copyright (c) 1998 Intel Corporation Module Name: efefind.h Abstract: EFI to compile bindings Revision History --*/ #ifndef X86_64_EFI_BIND #define X86_64_EFI_BIND #ifndef __GNUC__ #pragma pack() #endif #if defined(GNU_EFI_USE_MS_ABI) #if (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)))||(defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__ > 3 || (__clang_major__ == 3 && __clang_minor__ >= 2))) #define HAVE_USE_MS_ABI 1 #else #error Compiler is too old for GNU_EFI_USE_MS_ABI #endif #endif // // Basic int types of various widths // #if !defined(__STDC_VERSION__) || (__STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L ) // No ANSI C 1999/2000 stdint.h integer width declarations #if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS) // Use Microsoft C compiler integer width declarations typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; typedef __int64 int64_t; typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t; typedef __int32 int32_t; typedef unsigned short uint16_t; typedef short int16_t; typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef char int8_t; #elif defined(__GNUC__) typedef int __attribute__((__mode__(__DI__))) int64_t; typedef unsigned int __attribute__((__mode__(__DI__))) uint64_t; typedef unsigned int uint32_t; typedef int int32_t; typedef unsigned short uint16_t; typedef short int16_t; typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef signed char int8_t; #elif defined(UNIX_LP64) /* Use LP64 programming model from C_FLAGS for integer width declarations */ typedef unsigned long uint64_t; typedef long int64_t; typedef unsigned int uint32_t; typedef int int32_t; typedef unsigned short uint16_t; typedef short int16_t; typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef char int8_t; #else /* Assume P64 programming model from C_FLAGS for integer width declarations */ typedef unsigned long long uint64_t __attribute__((aligned (8))); typedef long long int64_t __attribute__((aligned (8))); typedef unsigned int uint32_t; typedef int int32_t; typedef unsigned short uint16_t; typedef short int16_t; typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef char int8_t; #endif #elif defined(__NetBSD__) #include <sys/stdint.h> #elif defined(__GNUC__) #include <stdint.h> #endif // // Basic EFI types of various widths // #ifndef __WCHAR_TYPE__ # define __WCHAR_TYPE__ short #endif typedef uint64_t UINT64; typedef int64_t INT64; #ifndef _BASETSD_H_ typedef uint32_t UINT32; typedef int32_t INT32; #endif typedef uint16_t UINT16; typedef int16_t INT16; typedef uint8_t UINT8; typedef int8_t INT8; typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ WCHAR; #undef VOID #define VOID void typedef int64_t INTN; typedef uint64_t UINTN; #ifdef EFI_NT_EMULATOR #define POST_CODE(_Data) #else #ifdef EFI_DEBUG #define POST_CODE(_Data) __asm mov eax,(_Data) __asm out 0x80,al #else #define POST_CODE(_Data) #endif #endif #define EFIERR(a) (0x8000000000000000 | a) #define EFI_ERROR_MASK 0x8000000000000000 #define EFIERR_OEM(a) (0xc000000000000000 | a) #define BAD_POINTER 0xFBFBFBFBFBFBFBFB #define MAX_ADDRESS 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF #ifdef EFI_NT_EMULATOR #define BREAKPOINT() __asm { int 3 } #else #define BREAKPOINT() while (TRUE); // Make it hang on Bios[Dbg]32 #endif // // Pointers must be aligned to these address to function // #define MIN_ALIGNMENT_SIZE 4 #define ALIGN_VARIABLE(Value ,Adjustment) \ (UINTN)Adjustment = 0; \ if((UINTN)Value % MIN_ALIGNMENT_SIZE) \ (UINTN)Adjustment = MIN_ALIGNMENT_SIZE - ((UINTN)Value % MIN_ALIGNMENT_SIZE); \ Value = (UINTN)Value + (UINTN)Adjustment // // Define macros to build data structure signatures from characters. // #define EFI_SIGNATURE_16(A,B) ((A) | (B<<8)) #define EFI_SIGNATURE_32(A,B,C,D) (EFI_SIGNATURE_16(A,B) | (EFI_SIGNATURE_16(C,D) << 16)) #define EFI_SIGNATURE_64(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) (EFI_SIGNATURE_32(A,B,C,D) | ((UINT64)(EFI_SIGNATURE_32(E,F,G,H)) << 32)) // // To export & import functions in the EFI emulator environment // #ifdef EFI_NT_EMULATOR #define EXPORTAPI __declspec( dllexport ) #else #define EXPORTAPI #endif // // EFIAPI - prototype calling convention for EFI function pointers // BOOTSERVICE - prototype for implementation of a boot service interface // RUNTIMESERVICE - prototype for implementation of a runtime service interface // RUNTIMEFUNCTION - prototype for implementation of a runtime function that is not a service // RUNTIME_CODE - pragma macro for declaring runtime code // #ifndef EFIAPI // Forces EFI calling conventions reguardless of compiler options #ifdef _MSC_EXTENSIONS #define EFIAPI __cdecl // Force C calling convention for Microsoft C compiler #elif defined(HAVE_USE_MS_ABI) // Force amd64/ms calling conventions. #define EFIAPI __attribute__((ms_abi)) #else #define EFIAPI // Substitute expresion to force C calling convention #endif #endif #define BOOTSERVICE //#define RUNTIMESERVICE(proto,a) alloc_text("rtcode",a); proto a //#define RUNTIMEFUNCTION(proto,a) alloc_text("rtcode",a); proto a #define RUNTIMESERVICE #define RUNTIMEFUNCTION #define RUNTIME_CODE(a) alloc_text("rtcode", a) #define BEGIN_RUNTIME_DATA() data_seg("rtdata") #define END_RUNTIME_DATA() data_seg("") #define VOLATILE volatile #define MEMORY_FENCE() #ifdef EFI_NT_EMULATOR // // To help ensure proper coding of integrated drivers, they are // compiled as DLLs. In NT they require a dll init entry pointer. // The macro puts a stub entry point into the DLL so it will load. // #define EFI_DRIVER_ENTRY_POINT(InitFunction) \ UINTN \ __stdcall \ _DllMainCRTStartup ( \ UINTN Inst, \ UINTN reason_for_call, \ VOID *rserved \ ) \ { \ return 1; \ } \ \ int \ EXPORTAPI \ __cdecl \ InitializeDriver ( \ void *ImageHandle, \ void *SystemTable \ ) \ { \ return InitFunction(ImageHandle, SystemTable); \ } #define LOAD_INTERNAL_DRIVER(_if, type, name, entry) \ (_if)->LoadInternal(type, name, NULL) #else // EFI_NT_EMULATOR // // When build similiar to FW, then link everything together as // one big module. For the MSVC toolchain, we simply tell the // linker what our driver init function is using /ENTRY. // #if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS) #define EFI_DRIVER_ENTRY_POINT(InitFunction) \ __pragma(comment(linker, "/ENTRY:" # InitFunction)) #else #define EFI_DRIVER_ENTRY_POINT(InitFunction) \ UINTN \ InitializeDriver ( \ VOID *ImageHandle, \ VOID *SystemTable \ ) \ { \ return InitFunction(ImageHandle, \ SystemTable); \ } \ \ EFI_STATUS efi_main( \ EFI_HANDLE image, \ EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *systab \ ) __attribute__((weak, \ alias ("InitializeDriver"))); #endif #define LOAD_INTERNAL_DRIVER(_if, type, name, entry) \ (_if)->LoadInternal(type, name, entry) #endif // EFI_NT_EMULATOR // // Some compilers don't support the forward reference construct: // typedef struct XXXXX // // The following macro provide a workaround for such cases. // #ifdef NO_INTERFACE_DECL #define INTERFACE_DECL(x) #else #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS) #define INTERFACE_DECL(x) struct x #else #define INTERFACE_DECL(x) typedef struct x #endif #endif /* for x86_64, EFI_FUNCTION_WRAPPER must be defined */ #if defined(HAVE_USE_MS_ABI) #define uefi_call_wrapper(func, va_num, ...) func(__VA_ARGS__) #else /* Credits for macro-magic: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/comp.std.c/d-6Mj5Lko_s http://efesx.com/2010/08/31/overloading-macros/ */ #define __VA_NARG__(...) \ __VA_NARG_(_0, ## __VA_ARGS__, __RSEQ_N()) #define __VA_NARG_(...) \ __VA_ARG_N(__VA_ARGS__) #define __VA_ARG_N( \ _0,_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,_6,_7,_8,_9,_10,N,...) N #define __RSEQ_N() \ 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 #define __VA_ARG_NSUFFIX__(prefix,...) \ __VA_ARG_NSUFFIX_N(prefix, __VA_NARG__(__VA_ARGS__)) #define __VA_ARG_NSUFFIX_N(prefix,nargs) \ __VA_ARG_NSUFFIX_N_(prefix, nargs) #define __VA_ARG_NSUFFIX_N_(prefix,nargs) \ prefix ## nargs /* Prototypes of EFI cdecl -> stdcall trampolines */ UINT64 efi_call0(void *func); UINT64 efi_call1(void *func, UINT64 arg1); UINT64 efi_call2(void *func, UINT64 arg1, UINT64 arg2); UINT64 efi_call3(void *func, UINT64 arg1, UINT64 arg2, UINT64 arg3); UINT64 efi_call4(void *func, UINT64 arg1, UINT64 arg2, UINT64 arg3, UINT64 arg4); UINT64 efi_call5(void *func, UINT64 arg1, UINT64 arg2, UINT64 arg3, UINT64 arg4, UINT64 arg5); UINT64 efi_call6(void *func, UINT64 arg1, UINT64 arg2, UINT64 arg3, UINT64 arg4, UINT64 arg5, UINT64 arg6); UINT64 efi_call7(void *func, UINT64 arg1, UINT64 arg2, UINT64 arg3, UINT64 arg4, UINT64 arg5, UINT64 arg6, UINT64 arg7); UINT64 efi_call8(void *func, UINT64 arg1, UINT64 arg2, UINT64 arg3, UINT64 arg4, UINT64 arg5, UINT64 arg6, UINT64 arg7, UINT64 arg8); UINT64 efi_call9(void *func, UINT64 arg1, UINT64 arg2, UINT64 arg3, UINT64 arg4, UINT64 arg5, UINT64 arg6, UINT64 arg7, UINT64 arg8, UINT64 arg9); UINT64 efi_call10(void *func, UINT64 arg1, UINT64 arg2, UINT64 arg3, UINT64 arg4, UINT64 arg5, UINT64 arg6, UINT64 arg7, UINT64 arg8, UINT64 arg9, UINT64 arg10); /* Front-ends to efi_callX to avoid compiler warnings */ #define _cast64_efi_call0(f) \ efi_call0(f) #define _cast64_efi_call1(f,a1) \ efi_call1(f, (UINT64)(a1)) #define _cast64_efi_call2(f,a1,a2) \ efi_call2(f, (UINT64)(a1), (UINT64)(a2)) #define _cast64_efi_call3(f,a1,a2,a3) \ efi_call3(f, (UINT64)(a1), (UINT64)(a2), (UINT64)(a3)) #define _cast64_efi_call4(f,a1,a2,a3,a4) \ efi_call4(f, (UINT64)(a1), (UINT64)(a2), (UINT64)(a3), (UINT64)(a4)) #define _cast64_efi_call5(f,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) \ efi_call5(f, (UINT64)(a1), (UINT64)(a2), (UINT64)(a3), (UINT64)(a4), \ (UINT64)(a5)) #define _cast64_efi_call6(f,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) \ efi_call6(f, (UINT64)(a1), (UINT64)(a2), (UINT64)(a3), (UINT64)(a4), \ (UINT64)(a5), (UINT64)(a6)) #define _cast64_efi_call7(f,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7) \ efi_call7(f, (UINT64)(a1), (UINT64)(a2), (UINT64)(a3), (UINT64)(a4), \ (UINT64)(a5), (UINT64)(a6), (UINT64)(a7)) #define _cast64_efi_call8(f,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8) \ efi_call8(f, (UINT64)(a1), (UINT64)(a2), (UINT64)(a3), (UINT64)(a4), \ (UINT64)(a5), (UINT64)(a6), (UINT64)(a7), (UINT64)(a8)) #define _cast64_efi_call9(f,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9) \ efi_call9(f, (UINT64)(a1), (UINT64)(a2), (UINT64)(a3), (UINT64)(a4), \ (UINT64)(a5), (UINT64)(a6), (UINT64)(a7), (UINT64)(a8), \ (UINT64)(a9)) #define _cast64_efi_call10(f,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10) \ efi_call10(f, (UINT64)(a1), (UINT64)(a2), (UINT64)(a3), (UINT64)(a4), \ (UINT64)(a5), (UINT64)(a6), (UINT64)(a7), (UINT64)(a8), \ (UINT64)(a9), (UINT64)(a10)) /* main wrapper (va_num ignored) */ #define uefi_call_wrapper(func,va_num,...) \ __VA_ARG_NSUFFIX__(_cast64_efi_call, __VA_ARGS__) (func , ##__VA_ARGS__) #endif #if defined(HAVE_USE_MS_ABI) && !defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS) #define EFI_FUNCTION __attribute__((ms_abi)) #else #define EFI_FUNCTION #endif #ifdef _MSC_EXTENSIONS #pragma warning ( disable : 4731 ) // Suppress warnings about modification of EBP #endif #endif