Letter S

SL_enable_serialconsole-96 - enable serial console for 9600 baud

License: GPL
Vendor: Scientific Linux
This package will install (and automatically run) the 'serialconsole'
script.  This script makes all the changes necessary to send
console output to both the serial port and the screen.  This
also creates a login prompt on the serial port and allows root
to login at this prompt.  This rpm should be installed in the %post
section because it requires the grub.conf file to be there.
This package only works with grub.


SL_enable_serialconsole-96-4.0-1.noarch [4 KiB] Changelog by Troy Dawson (2010-08-23):
- Changed the script to only work with grub, not lilo or efi
- For Fedora 13, RHEL 6 (or it's derivatives) or newer due to 
  the startup changes in

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