Letter C

corosync - The Corosync Cluster Engine and Application Programming Interfaces

Website: http://ftp.corosync.org
License: BSD
Vendor: Scientific Linux
This package contains the Corosync Cluster Engine Executive, several default
APIs and libraries, default configuration files, and an init script.


corosync-1.4.1-4.el6.i686 [183 KiB] Changelog by Jan Friesse (2011-09-22):
- Resolves: rhbz#722522

- Deliver all messages from my_high_seq_recieved to the last gap (rhbz#722522)
- merge upstream commit e530376a60dc862f135bd0d4c52aebb43d948423 (rhbz#722522)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6