system environment/base

device-mapper-multipath - Tools to manage multipath devices using device-mapper

License: GPL+
Vendor: Scientific Linux
device-mapper-multipath provides tools to manage multipath devices by
instructing the device-mapper multipath kernel module what to do.
The tools are :
* multipath - Scan the system for multipath devices and assemble them.
* multipathd - Detects when paths fail and execs multipath to update things.


device-mapper-multipath-0.4.9-46.el6_2.2.i686 [85 KiB] Changelog by Benjmain Marzinski (2012-03-30):
- Add 0120-RHBZ-802433-remove-dup-configs.patch
- Related: bz #802433
device-mapper-multipath-0.4.9-41.el6_1.1.i686 [80 KiB] Changelog by Benjamin Marzinski (2011-08-29):
- Add 0089-RHBZ-732384-check-return-value.patch
   * Don't try to update path groups on a path priority change if the
     multipath device has disappeared.
- Resolves: bz# 732384

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