Letter Z

zz_apache_use_clogger - Change the default httpd.conf to use clogger and local logging

Website: http://fermilinux.fnal.gov
License: GPL
Vendor: Scientific Linux
This package will reconfigure the default /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
to use clogger in addition to the traditional /var/log/httpd/ logging.

The defaults will be changed to

ErrorLog "| /usr/bin/logger  -thttpd -plocal6.err"
CustomLog "| /usr/bin/logger  -thttpd -plocal6.notice" combined

We cannot use the native syslog facility as it changes the file format.
The change in format will render existing log parsers un-usable.

This package uses rsyslog.  On SL5 systems rsyslog will be started
in place of sysklogd when this package is installed.


zz_apache_use_clogger-1.0-1.el6.noarch [7 KiB] Changelog by Pat Riehecky (2013-01-30):
- Initial build

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6