
krb5-fermi-config - Configuration scripts make your Kerberos Installation Fermilab-compatible

Website: http://helpdesk.fnal.gov
License: MIT, freely distributable
Vendor: Scientific Linux
This rpm provides a krb5.conf file setup to work with the FNAL.GOV
kerberos realm.

You can automatically customize your default KDCs by placing them one per
line in /etc/krb5.kdclist

The config set's up config files so that a machine is ready to
be in Fermilab's kerberos realm


krb5-fermi-config-5.5-2.noarch [22 KiB] Changelog by Pat Riehecky (2020-03-12):
- Fix config-krb5.conf per INC000001095707
krb5-fermi-config-5.5-1.noarch [22 KiB] Changelog by Brittany Driggers (2019-11-14):
- Update KDC list per CHG000000016873
krb5-fermi-config-5.4-1.1.noarch [24 KiB] Changelog by Brittany Driggers (2019-11-14):
- Update KDC list per CHG000000016873
krb5-fermi-config-5.3-1.6.1.noarch [24 KiB] Changelog by Pat Riehecky (2018-01-23):
- Add missing mkdir_p to config-krb5.conf script

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7