.\" .\" $XConsortium: p057,v 5.2 94/04/17 20:54:55 rws Exp $ .\" .\" $XMCOPY .\" Copyright (c) 1990, 1991 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. and the X Consortium. .\" .\" All Rights Reserved .\" .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its .\" documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, .\" provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that .\" both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in .\" supporting documentation, and that the names of Sun Microsystems, .\" and the X Consortium not be used in advertising or publicity .\" pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written .\" prior permission. .\" .\" SUN MICROSYSTEMS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, .\" INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO .\" EVENT SHALL SUN MICROSYSTEMS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR .\" CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF .\" USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR .\" OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR .\" PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. .TH "FILL AREA 3" 3P "29 February 1991" .SH NAME FILL AREA 3 \- create a structure element specifying a \s-2\&3D\s+2 fill area primitive .IX "Primitives, Filled Area Primitives" "FILL AREA 3" .IX "Filled Area Primitives" "FILL AREA 3" .IX "Polygons, Filled Area Primitives" "FILL AREA 3" .SH SYNOPSIS .SS C Syntax .ft B .ta 1.25i 3i .nf void pfill_area3 ( point_list ) Ppoint_list3 *point_list; \fIarray of points\fP .fi .ft R .SS Required PHIGS Operating States (PHOP, *, STOP, *) .SH DESCRIPTION .SS Purpose The \s-2FILL AREA 3\s+2 function puts a structure element containing the \s-2\&3D\s+2 specification of a \s-2FILL AREA 3\s+2 primitive into the currently open structure. The \s-2FILL AREA 3\s+2 primitive is a closed polygonal area defined by a series of three dimensional Modelling Coordinate points. .LP \fBNote:\fP The \s-2FILL AREA 3\s+2 primitive \s-2INTERIOR\s+2 attributes control the representation of the interior of the area defined by the specified coordinate points. \s-2FILL AREA 3\s+2 does not have separate edge attributes. See the \s-2FILL AREA SET\s+2 and \s-2FILL AREA SET 3\s+2 primitives for independent control of the edge properties. .LP If the current edit mode is \s-2INSERT\s+2, the structure element created by the \s-2FILL AREA 3\s+2 subroutine is inserted into the open structure after the element pointed to by the structure's element pointer. If the edit mode is \s-2REPLACE\s+2, the \s-2FILL AREA 3\s+2 element replaces the element pointed to by the element pointer. In either case, the element pointer is updated to point to the new \s-2FILL AREA 3\s+2 element. .SS C Input Parameters .IP \fIpoint_list\fP A pointer to a list \fInum_points\fP long of Ppoint3 structures containing the \fIx\fP, \fIy\fP, and \fIz\fP coordinates for each point used to define the \s-2FILL AREA 3\s+2 polygon. The Ppoint_list3 structure is defined in phigs.h as follows: .sp .4 .ta .5i +\w'Ppoint 'u +\w'num_points; 'u .nf typedef struct { .sp .2 Pint num_points; /* number of Ppoint3 structures in the list */ Ppoint3 *points; /* list of points */ .sp .2 } Ppoint_list3; .fi .IP Ppoint3 is defined as follows: .sp .4 .ta .5i +\w'Pfloat 'u +\w'x; 'u .nf typedef struct { .sp .2 Pfloat x; /* x coordinate */ Pfloat y; /* y coordinate */ Pfloat z; /* z coordinate */ .sp .2 } Ppoint3; .fi .SS Execution When the structure is traversed, the \s-2FILL AREA 3\s+2 element draws a closed polygonal area. The appearance of the interior of the defined area is determined by the attributes listed below. These attributes control the type of fill (\s-2SOLID, EMPTY, HOLLOW, HATCH\s+2, and \s-2PATTERN\s+2) and the colour in which the primitive is drawn. .LP The coordinate points are specified in Modelling Coordinate points. Modelling Coordinate units may be any that are convenient to the application. At traversal, these coordinate values are transformed by the current Local and Global Modelling Transformations, the View Representation selected by the current view index, and the Workstation Transformation current on the workstation to which the structure is posted. .\"See Chapter 7, "Transformations" in the \fI\s-2PEX-SI\s0 Programming Guide\fP for .\"more information. .SS Attributes Applied The attributes listed below are used to display the \s-2FILL AREA 3\s+2 primitive when the structure is traversed. The Aspect Source Flags (\s-2ASF\s+2s) tell where to access the output display attributes. These attributes can come directly from the traversal state list, or they can be accessed indirectly, using the appropriate index in the traversal state list and the corresponding bundled representation in the PHIGS workstation state list. .RS .nf .ta .5i +\w'back interior reflectance equation 'u .sp interior colour interior colour index \s-2ASF\s+2 back interior colour back interior colour \s-2ASF\s+2 interior style interior style \s-2ASF\s+2 back interior style back interior style \s-2ASF\s+2 interior style index interior style index \s-2ASF\s+2 back interior style index back interior style index \s-2ASF\s+2 interior shading method interior shading method \s-2ASF\s+2 back interior shading method back interior shading method \s-2ASF\s+2 interior reflectance equation interior reflectance equation \s-2ASF\s+2 back interior reflectance equation back interior reflectance equation \s-2ASF\s+2 area properties area properties \s-2ASF\s+2 back area properties back area properties \s-2ASF\s+2 interior index face distinguishing mode face culling mode depth cue index light source state name set .fi .RE .sp .2 .SH ERRORS .IP 005 Ignoring function, function requires state (\s-2PHOP, *, STOP, *\s+2) .SH SEE ALSO .nf .IP .ta 0.5i .SM "FILL AREA (3P)" .SM "FILL AREA SET 3 (3P)" .SM "FILL AREA SET 3 WITH DATA (3P+)" .fi